Carlisle Lake District Airport 2 September 2015

10:00 – 13:00
David Thompson

With a long cross-country car journey for an afternoon visit to RAF Spadeadam it was also the perfect opportunity to spend the morning at Carlisle Airport or to give it it’s full name , the Carlisle Lake District Airport . My last visit was several years ago and Stobart’s , the airport owners , had huge development plans for the airport which seemingly were having to overcome obstacle after obstacle and at one point looked as though they would not go ahead at all but on the evidence of this visit things look to be finally taking off . Pun intended !

A new roundabout has been built on the A689 on the south side of the airport which has a still to be opened access road into a new storage and logistics park which itself has been built on top of some wartime aircraft dispersal areas . These dispersal area’s were of both the ‘frying pan’ and ‘spectacles’ types which also used as bases for blister hangars when the airfield was home to Beaufighter aircraft of 17 OTU . On the technical site the huge Stobart hangar which was still under construction when I last visited in early 2008 is now complete and home to several biz jets including Falcon 900B M-SAIR , one of the Stobart fleet . Mention of course has to be made of the control tower and in particular it’s Café Stobart with it’s Big Breakfast and All Day Breakfasts which are to be recommended and seemingly very popular during my visit ! More info here ;

A selection of photo's taken on the day.

G-CDCV R44 Raven II to Dublin
G-SIXG Rotorsport UK MTOSport local flying

Private Hangar
WP901/B Chipmunk T10 really G-BWNT
G-BUIR Avid Speedwing Mk4 minus starboard wing !
G-CBDP Mainair Blade 912
G-CDRH Thruster T600N
G-CGLM Rotorsport UK MTOSport
G-CGNX ditto
G-CGYY Savannah VG Jabiru
G-CHLD Rotorsport UK MTOSport
G-JONL CZAW Sportcruiser
G-TUCK Vans RV-8
G-WINH EV-97 TeamEurostar UK
G-YADA Ikarus C42
G-YROH Rotorsport UK MTOSport
N60UK Aviat A-1C Husky

Hangar 30 flying school hangar
G-ASIL PA-28 Cherokee new resident
G-AZCK B121 Pup
G-BJNN PA-38 Tomahawk stored , fuselage only
G-BTDW Cessna 152
G-CEOF PA-28 Cherokee Arrow III
G-JLIN PA-28 Cadet
G-OECM Commander 114B
G-RNCH PA-28 Cherokee Archer II
G-WAVA Robin HR200/120B new resident

parked outside was ;
G-BBNZ F172M Skyhawk
Cumbrian Microlight Training Centre hangar
G-CDRP Ikarus C42
G-FIFT ditto
G-SARJ Quik GT450

Stobart hangar
G-BJMR Cessna 310R
G-TRJB Beech A36 Bonanza
M-SAIR Falcon 900B

Northumberland Aircraft Maintenance hangar
G-BOIO Cessna 152
G-BXBZ PZL104 Wilga
G-OJHC 182P Skylane

parked outside was ;
G-BDFY Grumman AA-5 Traveller

With thanks to both Geoff and Steve for their help with air-side access .

Solway Aviation Museum

The museum was closed but thanks to their chairman Dougie Kerr I had managed to time my visit with a ‘working party’ day and was allowed access . The Hunter was in the process of being re-painted and a volunteer was trying to decide how best and where exactly to put some new stencils on the Canberra ! The Sea Prince continues to receive attention to it’s port engine with both the propeller and engine covers removed but for me the star exhibit is the recently refurbished Whirlwind which looks superb in it’s Royal Navy ‘midnight blue’ colour scheme . With thanks to all the volunteers for their help and co-operation .

Displayed inside the museum were ;
G-ADRX HM14 Flea
WB670/8361M Chipmunk T10PAX 1 AEF markings
WZ784 Grasshopper TX1 minus port wing for display purposes !

Outside were ;
G-ARPP Trident 1C cockpit section
WE188 Canberra T4
WP314/CU/573 Sea Prince T1
WS832 Meteor NF14
WV198/K Whirlwind HAR21
WZ515 Vampire T11
XJ823 Vulcan B2
XS209 Jet Provost T4 no serial number applied
XV406/CK Phantom FGR2
ZF583 Lightning F53
E-425 Hunter F51

The museum store cum workshop was shut , unfortunately !







