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Newcastle College Aviation Academy 5 June 2024

The Friends of Teesside International Airport organized a visit to the aviation college at Newcastle Airport to get an understanding of what goes on as well as have a look at some of the aircraft inmates that are rarely seen outside the 12,000m2 hangar on the southside of the airport. The college specializes in aviation engineering with 3 and 5 year courses covering everything from airframe, engines and avionics as well as courses training future cabin crew. There are a wide range of aircraft used for training,the latest being the French registered Raytheon 390 Premier 1, the private jet was found parked up in France with the owner financialy unable to fly and maintain it. Although the aircraft is technically flyable, the cost to bring it back through the maintenance schedules was so high it was in effect grounded for good, the aircraft was bought and delivered by road to Newcastle for a very reasonable sum, it is occasionaly taken outside to run the engines. Our hosts allowed us inside a number of the aircraft including the Premier with its electronics running for us to see, many of the group had a go on the aircraft flight simulators they have set up. Oveall a great two hour visiit enjoyed by all.

The college also has outside in a compound a Boeing 737-2A3, we didn't visit this as its now in a very poor state and at some point will be end up with the scrap man when a suitable replacement is found.

The trip was one of a number regularly organized by the group, including a recent visit to 11 Sqd / JHTS at RAF Leeming and a forth coming airside visit to Draken at Teesside, well worth the £12 annual subs click here to look at membership

XM419 / 8990M BAC Jet provost T.3A ex RAF had been based at RAF leeming in the early 80's as well as Church Fenton around 1987 arrived in by road 2006

F-GVBK Raytheon 390 Premier 1 c/n RB-73 had flown in USA as N371CE and N107WR

G-BBYM Handley-Page HP.137 Jetstream 200 was an ex corporate aircraft as G-AYWR, then preserved at RAF Cosford museum arrived by road Aug 2008.

XM355 / 8990M BAC Jet provost T.3 ex RAF and at Bruntingthorpe museum, roaded in June 2006

G-AZMF BAC 1-11 530FX had operated with British Caledonian and spent a bit of time as PT-TYY with TransBrasil and 7Q-YKJ Air Malawi, coming by road  from the Bournemouth Aviation Museum on 29/11/08 (via a stop at the Barton lorry park near Darlington) - This is used now for training future cabin crew.

G-CCXI Thorp T.211 Thorpedo an unfished home built that never flew, donated by the owner to the college.

N37LW Piper PA-23-250 Aztec had previously carried G-ASND and G-EEVA it had spent some time stored at Fishburn around 2008