Fishburn Airfield News 2021
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Fishburn Historic Aviation Centre (Aircraft Restoration Group)
The Aircraft Restoration Group is led by Mike Eastman and they hope to establish the Fishburn Historic Aviation Centre and build three hangars to house their aircraft collection. All enquiries and offers of help or support in cash or kind to Mike at the link below.
Both the Dove and Venom arrived on the 2 February 2016 and are on loan from the De Havilland Aircraft Museum at London Colney with the Primary glider being acquired from the Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum in 2015 and arriving at Fishburn in late February 2016. The ARG have several other aircraft which are currently in store elsewhere and will not be moved to Fishburn until the hangar(s) are erected to provide some protection from the weather. These include Flea G-ADRZ , the unique Thurston Tawney Owl G-APWU, Spitfire FSM BR954/JP-A and an as yet unidentified Oxford Mk1! The group website is currently under re-build but like most groups these days they also have a Facebook page at the link below.
Fishburn Reports 2021
11th November - David Thompson
The following information has been forwarded to us from ARG via David Thompson.
Good evening one and all.
Before we get all settled with mince pies, sprouts, turkey and a man in a funny red suit, I have some important news and an appeal for a few hours of your time.
As most of you will be aware the Rallye project we have dismantled in storage was scheduled to leave us as part of a three way deal involving ultimately wings and tail booms arriving for the T22 Vampire we are currently rebuilding for our friends in South Wales. This has stalled and does not look likely to be moving before the new year.
As you may also be aware the Manchester Air and Space museum has closed and the aircraft are being dispersed. As part of this we have been gifted by the IWM a very nice ready to display Socata Rallye see link as you can see a very nice aircraft for our collection.
Now we get to the bit I am asking for your contribution of time. The aircraft is now scheduled to arrive late morning Friday 19th of November in a curtain sided articulated lorry. Obviously we cant get access down to the hangar due to the state of the ground now the autumn and winter weather is with us so it will have to be off loaded on the over flow car park area. We hope that David Morgan will be happy to assist with his telehandler to offload the aircraft.
We then have the decision do we assemble on site as we offload or do we try to get it down to the workshop and try to store it until we have a better weather window to be able to assemble. Those who have worked on the other example will know that putting the wings on is straight forward and is some half a dozen bolts. On Thursday the 18th we will need to position pallets and tyres etc to be able to put the aircraft down as its offloaded. Some extra care will be needed as its a really nice example and the engine and prop will be in situ.
Four to six team members would be good please.
Also, before things get really bad weather wise can we have some work to get the fairings on the Jet Provost. A start has been made on replacing attachment points with rivnuts and a supply of rivnuts and screws has been obtained to use instead of pop rivets and self tapping screws so it will be more secure.
As always any comments suggestions drop me a line.
Mike E
17th-19th September - Stuart Reid
This weekend saw balloons at Fishburn (a rare site in this region), with the arrival of the Pennine Balloon Group. This is possibly the first balloon meeting here since a cold wintery weekend back in 1999. With the wind being to strong, there was no flying on Friday evening, so it was a quick retreat for food and drink. 0700hrs saw the Saturday morning briefing, with two balloons inflating soon after. Both G-SCFC and G-OATV had successful flights. 1700hrs saw the next briefing, and with winds gusting upto 12 knots and upto 16 knots at 1900hrs pilots called off the evening flight. With the wind due to pick up through the night and into Sunday morning, Sundays flight was also cancelled. The overnight wind that was forecast, never appeared, instead we got up to a wet field and low lying fog and as a result flying would have been cancelled anyway. Overall a sucessful event, with organisers being happy. This event may re-occur next year. Future events and information can be found at
17th September 2021 - Stuart Reid / Chris Harris
The Provost finally arrived, pictured here on the 15th. Picture taken by Chris Harris
4th September 2021 - Stuart Reid
The Jet Provost (XN458/19) at the Standard Inn, Northallerton has started the process of dismantling ready for its journey to Fishburn. The previous owner sold the pub, and the new owners are not interested in the aircraft. The aircraft is pictured below (by an unknown photographer) in its current location in Northallerton, restored by the XN458 Group.
1st September 2021 - David Thompson
Local residend John Rogerson has completed the Flitzer wings and has started on the fuselage but he envisages it to be a long job! Confirmation of the Flitzer PFA number PFA.342/14816.
23rd August 2021 - Stuart Reid
September sees the return of Hot Air Balloons to Fishburn. The Pennine Balloon Group are set to hold their September meet here over the weekend of the 17-19th. This is a private group and as a result there will be no flights to the public. Flights are subject to the weather, and flight timings are yet to be announced. Weather permitting, there should flights Friday pm, Saturday am and pm, and Sunday am, and anything else is down to the pilots disgression.
7th August 2021 - David Thompson
Vans RV-12 G-ELWK completed her first engine runs today at Fishburn after a long term build by owner Jim Devlin
31st July 2021 - David Thompson
Fishburn Wings and Wheels returns on the weekend of August 14th and 15th.
22nd July 2021 - David Thompson
The fuselage pod Sea Vampire T22 XG775, arrived at Fishburn today for restoration by ARG. It will return to its owner in Wales once the work is completed.
11th July 2021 - David Thompson
Currently under construction at Fishburn International and first noted by me on the 18 May 2021, owned by Kevin Jobling and registered on the 11 June G-KEVJ. Kit details: 400A 15753 Sling 4 TSi
19th June 2021 - David Thompson
Soko P2 Kraguj G-BSXD/30146 flew up to Eshott from Fishburn the week proceeding the 12-13 June to Eshott fly-in and has reportedly been sold with G-RADA/30140, which is still at Fishburn, to follow?
Fury II G-BZNW/K2048 is already sold to new owners in Herefordshire and departed south from Fishburn to its new home at Ledbury Airfield , Dymock International on the 16 June via Sherburn with Robin DR400 G-GCUF the ferrying aircraft.
11th June 2021 - David Thompson
20th January 2021 - Fishburns Facebook Page