Local Resident Aircraft

Last updated: 20/03/25

As many of the local residents pass through our zone, we thought it would be useful to include a register of all locally based aircraft, please let us know of any changes or additions you know of. Please bear in mind that some of these locations are private residences, so it is not advised to turn up on spec to look at the aircraft. Aircraft highlighted grey are not currently flying, whether that be due to short term storage or the airframe not being airworthy etc.

Photo credits: David Thompson, Ian McMaster, Dave Rose, Richard Bowater, Chris Smith, Dave Anderson, Harry Stuart, Stuart Reid, Aidan Williamson, Andy Gibson, Paul Greig and Steve Barnes. If you would like to submit any photos please do, click here to see our photo submission guidelines. If we've missed anyone off the credits please let us know.

Bagby Airfield (nr Thirsk)
ICAO: EGNG | VHF: 123.255
G-AAUP Klem L.25 01/12/22 Oldstread Aero LLP  
G-AKDN/54 De Havilland Canada DHC-1A-1 Chipmunk 23/05/24 Ken Large  
G-ANRF De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth 03/02/24 Christopher Cyster New resident, co-based at Old Warden
G-ARLR Beagle A61 Terrier II 23/05/24 Michael Palfreman Stored
G-ASEP Piper PA-23-235 Aztec 23/05/24 John Upex  
G-AVWL Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 23/05/24 Dermot Kirkwood ARC expired 11/08/23
G-AVZP Beagle B121 Pup I 17/05/24 Tom White Bagby Aviation
G-AXOZ Beagle B121 Pup I 23/05/24 Oscar Zulu Group  
G-AXPC Beagle B121 Pup I 17/05/24 Tom White Bagby Aviation
G-AXZO Cessna 180 23/05/24 David Hunt / Malcolm Pryce ARC expired 23/04/23
G-AXZT Jodel D117 17/05/24 Peter Guest ARC expired 22/11/08
G-AXZU Cessna 182N Skylane 18/08/23 Lance Assets Ltd (WF Aviation)  
G-AZKR Piper PA-24-180 Comanche 23/05/24 Ashley Lawson ARC exp 17/03/17, CoO / NFD exp 30/09/21
G-AZSW Beagle B121 Pup I 17/05/24 Tom White For spares, CoA exp 15/06/09
G-BAKM Robin DR400/140 Major 17/11/24 David Pieri  
G-BBCN Robin HR100/210 Safari II 15/01/24 Microfarad Ltd  
G-BBMH EAA Biplane 23/05/24 G-BBMH Flying Group  
G-BCJM Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 03/06/24 Aamer Sher Stored
G-BDUY Robin DR400/140B Major 23/05/24 Angus Anderson Dismantled
G-BGGM Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation Under restoration to fly
G-BOER Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation ARC expired 08/08/23
G-BONO Cessna 172N Skyhawk 11/04/23 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-BPHI Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-BPXJ Piper PA-28RT-201T Turbo Cherokee Arrow IV 08/12//24 Stapleoffice Ltd  
G-BSOK Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation WFU / stored - poor state
G-BSPE/46 Reims Cessna F172P Skyhawk 09/12/24 Flying Fox Aviation For sale
G-BUGZ Slingsby T61F Venture 17/09/24 Robert Spiller
G-BXZA Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 23/05/24 Johannes Griessel Poor state
G-CCRC Cessna TU206G Turbo Stationair 23/05/24 (Flying Fox Aviation) Under rebuild
G-CCZJ X'Air Falcon 582(2) 23/05/24 Edward Williams Under rebuild
G-CDPV Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 25/07/24 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-CGSH Cosmik EV-97 TeamEurostar 18/09/24 David Medland
G-CHER Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk II 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation ARC expired 14/07/23
G-CIFK X'Air Hawk 23/05/24 Edward Toulson  
G-CSDJ Jabiru UL 23/05/24 Keith McDonnell  
G-EMNN Focke-Wulf Fw44J Stieglitz 14/08/24 Oldstead Aero LLP  
G-EVSW Evektor SportStar 23/05/24 Ian Shulver ex UK demonstrator
G-FBRN Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II 22/10/24 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-FLAV Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II 05/08/24 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-GBUA Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen 18/09/24 Daniel Sladden  
G-GBUE Robin DR400/120A Dauphin 23/05/24 John Kane
G-HPIN Bell 429 Global Ranger 04/12/24 Harpin Ltd (GB Helicopters) ex M-HRPN
G-JAFS Piper PA-32R-301 Saratoga II HP 28/11/24 Sandholme Properties Ltd  
G-MALC Grumman AA-5 Traveller 03/06/24 John Thompson  
G-MRMA Cessna 182S Skylane 06/12/24 TWC Facilities Ltd  
G-MVSE Solar Wings Pegasus XL-Q 24/10/21 Timothy Wilbor New PTF issued
G-NFNF Robin DR400/180 Regent 03/12/24 Warren Cobb  
G-RBEL Rebel 23/05/24 Mark and David Parsonage Under construction
G-RVND Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 23/05/24 Flying Fox Aviation  
G-SAUK Rans S6-ES Coyotte II 11/04/23 Josep Juanos  
G-SIMY Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six 18/08/24 Ian Simpson ARC expired 17/04/19
G-TMHK Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 07/10/24 Flying Fox Aviation ARC expired 17/03/23
G-WIGS Yeoman Dynamic WT9 06/12/24 Andrew Wiggins  
N5LL Piper PA-31-325 Navajo 08/11/24 Unknown  
N88NA Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP 23/05/24 Unknown Wreck
N97NM Mooney M20K Encore 29/07/24 Unknown  
N112WM Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six D 30/11/24 Unknown  
N517FD Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP 25/08/24 Unknown For sale
N6153S Cessna TR182 Skylane RG II 17/09/21 Unknown For sale
ZS-JZT Piper PA-28R-201 Cherokee Arrow III 23/05/24 Unknown Dismantled
Croft Racing Circuit (nr Darlington)
G-ARFV Tipsy Nipper T66 II 04/03/20 John Austin Being restored to flying condition
G-BRUO Taylor JT.1 Monoplane 04/03/20 The Mighty Monoplane Group  
G-EGEN Piel C301A Emeraude 29/06/23 Croft Aviators Flying Group Was D-EGEN re-registered 28/01/16
G-ODEE Vans RV-6 13/09/23 Joe Redfearn  
Currock Hill
G-AWBH Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 26/08/23 Proofgolden Ltd t/a Mainstreet Avn Under rebuild
G-ETUG Aeropro Eurofox 912(S) 26/08/23 The Northumbria Gliding Club  
G-KNEK Grob G109B 12/06/23 Syndicate 109  
G-MOYR Eurofox 912S 26/08/23 The Northumbria Gliding Club Was based Sutton Bank
  • A gliding site, we don't intend to list all the gliders.
  • P28A G-AWBH is actually located in a hamlet due east of Currock Hill and easily visible from the road.
Dalton-on-Tees (nr Darlington)
Point Blank Paintball Centre DL2 2PS
G-ATSY Wassmer WA.41 Baladou 24/08/20 Point Blank Paintball   
OY-XGP/K6 Schiebe SF-25B Falke 24/08/20 Point Blank Paintball 
Durham area
(various locations)
ZA291/N Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park 
ZA313/M Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park
ZD625/P Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park 
ZE425/WR Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park
ZE428/H Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park
ZF121/T Westland Sea King HC4 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park 
XV651/CU/824 Westland Sea King HU5 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park 
ZE368/R Westland Sea King HAR3 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park
XZ921/269 Westland Sea King HAS6 23/01/20 Private Based at Holmside Park 
9L-LSG Aerospatiale SA330H Puma 01/12/23 Johnny Vegas At Stu-Art Aviation for conversion to Glampod
  • The nine Sea Kings at what was Mini Moos Farm are not accessible to enthusiasts.
Woodhouse Farm, nr Great Ayton
G-AJIS Auster J1N Alpha 01/01/21 Julian Hill  
G-ARTL De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth 01/01/21 Julian Hill Marked T7281
G-ASMT Fairtravel Linnet 2 15/02/24 Julian Hill  
G-CIPZ Pazmany PL-4A 01/01/21 Julian Hill  
G-MJSZ DH Wasp 01/01/21 Julian Hill  
Thwing-Octon Grange
G-AVXD Slingsby T66 Nipper III 31/03/18 John Brompton  
G-BEVC Morane Saulnier MS.892E Rallye 150ST   Michael Whitley  
G-BFTH Reims Cessna F172N Skyhawk 20/04/16 Terrence Oakley  
G-CBIJ Ikarus C42   Jeremy Smith  
G-CIHW Rotorsport UK Cavalon 12/10/23 Robert Broadhead / Anne Polkey  
G-COLF Bristell NG-5 Speed Wing 24/02/24 Colin Firth  
G-EFCM Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee 21/01/22 Edward Peacock  
G-GOLF Socata TB10 Tobago 23/09/16 Brian Lee  
  • We've been informed that Thwing-Octon Grange is not the name of the airfield at Eddsfield but in fact a second strip two miles away, as soon as we know how the above listed airframes are distributed between the two sites we will seperate them.
Corporate residence
G-VOIP Westland SA 341D Gazelle HT3 29/08/21 C3 Property Consulting LLP  
Felixkirk Airfield
G-CENO Yeoman Dynamic WT9 27/11/23 James Iveson  
G-CFLD Aerosport Ikarus C42 27/11/23 Lawrie McWilliams For sale
G-CLYJ Ikarus C42 FB100 Charlie 27/11/23 Mark Badminton  
G-CMKV LAC Ikarus C42 FB100 Charlie   Ikarus Flight School  
G-SAZM Piper J3C-65 Cub 27/11/23 Ingrid Van Vuuren  
Fishburn Airfield (nr Durham)
VHF: 118.275   ARG   Clubhouse
D-IFSB De Havilland DH.104 Dove 6 23/01/23 Aircraft Restoration Group For restoration
G-AGAT Piper J3F-50 Cub 05/03/25 Stephen Hornsby Frame only
G-AKTP Piper PA-17 Vagabond 11/12/24 Ian Worthington Under re-build
G-ALBD De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth 06/03/25  Keith Redfearn  
G-APWU Thurston Tawney Owl 09/08/20 Aircraft Restoration Group Dismantled open store
G-ATVW Rollason Druine D.62B Condor 15/03/25 Julian Gerretsen Under restoration
G-AVOD Beagle Auster D5-180 Husky 06/03/25 Thomas Reeder For rebuild
G-AYFF Rollason Druine D.62B Condor 01/03/25 Harry Stuart  
G-AYKW Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 15/03/25 Kilo Whiskey Group  
G-AYTA Morane Saulnier MS.880B Rallye Club 17/10/23 Aircraft Restoration Group  
G-BGMT Morane Saulnier Rallye 235E 08/03/25 Clive Wheeler  
G-BRCW Aeronca 11BC Chief 18/05/24 Julian Gerretsen Arrived 19/03/24
G-BSFX Denney Kitfox Mk2 28/03/24 Frederick Colman For sale
G-BTDF Luscombe 8A Silvaire 06/03/25 Lusc Flying Group For rebuild
G-BTOT Piper PA-15 Vagabond 18/09/24 Matt Rogerson Due to move to Nottingham City
G-BWLL Murphy Rebel 19/02/25 Fred Parker  
G-BYHP CEA DR253B Regent 15/03/25 G-BYHP Group ARC expired 25/01/25
G-BYTV Jabiru SPL-450 03/01/25 Frank McDonagh Replaced G-BPKK
G-BZED Pegasus Quantum 15-912 08/03/25 Derek Crozier Moved in from Wheatly Hill
G-CBAR GlaStar 02/03/25 Fishburn Flyers  
G-CCOW Mainair Pegasus Quik 08/03/25 Simon Gibson  
G-CCWO Mainair Pegasus Quantum 15-912 08/03/25 Trevor Robinson  
G-CDEX Europa 02/03/25 Kenneth Martindale  
G-CDGT Montgomerie-Parsons Two Place 09/08/20 Aircraft Restoration Group
G-CDLS Jabiru J400 08/03/25 Teesside Aviators Group  
G-CDUS Skyranger 912S(1) 08/03/25 East Durham Rangers Moved in from Wheatley Hill 19/03/23
G-CDWG MCR-01 Club Banbi 15/03/25 Angus Lowrie  
G-CEEO P&M Flight Design CTSW 01/03/25 Zak Newton / Stephen Best  
G-CEMA Pioneer 200 29/10/24 Nigel Sigsworth Arrived May 2024
G-CFOV CZAW SportCruiser 20/01/15 Jeremiah Murphy  
G-CFVF Kiss 400-582(1) 08/03/25 George Wilson  
G-CHTX Voltair 86 07/04/23 Aircraft Restoration Group  
G-CIEP Flylight Aerosports Dragon Chaser 17/01/24 Robert Urquhart  
G-CINL Skyranger Swift 912S 18/09/24 Brent Richardson Replaced G-CDOV
G-CLDE Jabiru UL-450 26/07/20 Eric Bentley  
G-CLFM GlaStar Sportman 10/10/23 Paul Carlton / Denis Finan PTF exp 09/08/23, NFD 13/09/23
G-CLKH/G Pietenpol Air Camper 06/03/25 Keith Redfearn  
G-CLML Skystar Kitfox Mk7 22/02/25 Paul and Catherine Foster Arrived 17/10/24
G-CMKE Vans RV-8 14/08/24 Russ Grief Arrived 17/01/24
G-CMLL Vans RV-12 08/03/25 Jim Edgeworth 1st flew 30/05/23
G-CMSS Skystar Kitfox Mk7 08/03/25 Paul Johnson 1st flew 31/07/24
G-CTEE P&M Flight Design CTSW 13/09/24 Russ Grief  
G-DAVE Jodel D112 08/03/25 Ian Worthington Long term rebuild
G-DISO Jodel D150 Mascaret 06/03/25 Christopher Coates Under restoration
G-DRPK Escapade 08/03/25 Justin Carter Arrived 13/09/23
G-EHLE LAC Ikarus C42 FB100 Charlie 08/03/25 Eddie Hardiman / Les Eccles 1st noted 26/05/23
G-ELWK Vans RV-12 11/12/24 Jim Devlin  
G-FOXV Aeroprakt A22-LS Foxbat SuperSport 600 02/03/25 Denis Finan  
G-GREG Robin DR220 22/08/20 Aircraft Restoration Group  
G-HCUB Piper J5B Cub Cruiser 19/02/25 Andrew Ratcliffe Arrived 08/03/24 by road, restoration
G-JIMM Europa XS 06/03/25 John Cherry  
G-KEVJ Sling 4 TSI 08/03/25 Kevin Jobling  
G-KURT Jurca MJ8 FW 190 07/04/23   Under construction, for sale
G-LAZZ GlaStar 02/01/25 Paul Carlton / Denis Finan  
G-LEGY Flight Design CTLS 08/03/25 Stephen Best  
G-MAKS Cirrus SR22 15/03/25 Daniel Abel / Flying Fox Aviation Replaced G-HOLA
G-MUTS Jurca Spitfire 15/03/25 John Rogerson / Simon Johnston X4683/EB-N, 95% replica under construction
G-MVGG Aerial Arts Chaser S 508 14/07/24 (TBC)  
G-MYMS Rans S6-ESD Coyote II 08/03/25 Simon Gibson / George Wilson Not yet permitted
G-MZDN Pegasus Quantum 15 03/01/25 (TBC) Under construction
G-MZEZ Cyclone Pegasus Quantum 15-912 08/03/25 (TBC) Arr. 06/03/25, PTF exp. 29/08/24
G-OALH Tecnam P.92 Echo 06/03/25 David Wheldon  
G-OKIS Tri-Kis 08/20 Thomas Reeder  
G-PSIR Jurca MJ-77 04/01/20 Paul Carlton / Denis Finan Marked 474008/R-VF
G-RATC Vans RV-4 08/03/25 Paul Johnson  
G-RAYZ Tecnam P2002-EA Sierra 18/09/24 Raymond Wells  
G-RBEL Rebel 06/03/25 Mark + David Parsonage Under construction
G-ROZZ Ikarus C42 FB80 08/03/25 Trevor Christian  
G-RVDJ Vans RV-6 22/02/25 Paul Foster / Catherine Foster  
G-RVSK Vans RV-9A 20/02/17 Duncan Kenworthy Under construction
G-SBOI TL-3000 Sirius 600 10/10/23 Paul Carlton Being parted out
G-SMDH Europa XS 19/02/25 Stephen Thomas / Anthony Wilkie Replaced G-BPVZ
G-TSGJ Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II 09/05/24 Golf Juliet Flying Group Moved in from Teesside 26/06/23
G-TSOL Acrosport I 02/01/25 Harry Stuart  
G-UNNA Jabiru UL-450WW 19/02/25 Christopher Thurgar-Dawson / Michael Farthing  
G-VIXY Aeroprakt A32 Vixxen 15/03/25 Peter Harle Replaced G-VXXN
G-WEFR Pioneer 200-M 08/03/25 Alpi Group  
N75CE/18 Christen Eagle II 06/03/25 Craig McLeod  
WA984 Gloster Meteor F8 08/22 Aircraft Restoration Group  
XF526/78/E Hawker Hunter F6 09/11/24 Aircraft Restoration Group Arrived 09/11/24, also marked 8679M
XG743 De Havilland DH.115 Sea Vampire T22 22/08/20 Aircraft Restoration Group Marked 798/BY
XN458/19 Hunting Percival P84 Jet Provost T3 19/02/22 458 Owners Club For restoration
  GlaStar 12/10/23 Jim Smith Under construction - PFA295-13973
  Rihn DR-107 One Design 17/06/21 John and Matthew Rogerson Under construction
(1) Slingsby T38 Grasshopper TX1 18/02/23 Aircraft Restoration Group In bits
Private residence, Hutton Village
G-GSMR Bell 206B Jet Ranger III 08/20 SNM Holdings Ltd  
Private Farm / residence
G-MGWI Robinson R44 Astro 20/08/17 Hields Aviation  
G-NNAC Piper L21B Super Cub 30/04/22 PAW Flying Services  
College of Further Education
XW309/ME-V BAC Jet Provost T5 08/11/19 College of Further Education (9179M)
XW404/77 BAC Jet Provost T5A 08/11/19 College of Further Education
XW405 BAC Jet Provost T5A 23/02/24 College of Further Education (9187M) - on pole outside
TAD002 Aérospatiale SA.341B Gazelle 08/11/19 College of Further Education  
Husthwaite - Baxby Manor Airfield (nr Thirsk)
G-AJIS Auster J1N Alpha 29/01/21 Julian Hill  
G-BPAJ De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth 17/01/20 John Smith / Jeffrey Hodgson  
G-BPKK Denny Kitfox 04/10/21 Paul Gatenby  
G-BZIW Pegasus Quantum 15-912 06/07/21 Jeffrey Hodgson  
G-BZMJ Rans S6-ES Coyotte II 30/06/24 Roger Clark  
G-CCBY Jabiru UL 22/09/14 David Goodman CofA expired 03/07/07  NFD 22/9/14
G-CDLL MCR-01 ULC Banbi 28/10/19 Roger Connell  
G-CDYD Aerosport Ikarus C42 FB80 13/06/24 C42 Group  
G-GRMN Yeoman Dynamic WT9 0/1/07/21 Geoffrey Prowling  
G-IZIT Rans S6-ES Coyote II 04/10/21 David Flower  
G-MJMD Hiway Demon/Sky-Trike 22/02/19 Hiway Demon Group NFD 22/02/19
G-MMGL Tiger Cub 440 29/09/20 Harold Dunning NFD 29/09/20
G-MTYT Solar Wings Pegasus XL-Q 09/08/21 Martin Walsh NFD 09/08/21
G-MZDA Rans S6-ESD XL Coyote II 07/02/20 Russell Plummer  
G-OEKS Aerosport Ikarus C42 FB80 17/11/20 John Smith  
G-OSEP Mainair Blade 912 17/11/20 John Smith  
G-RHAM Skyranger 582(1) 06/09/21 Leslie Smart / Peter Gibson  
G-SOCK Mainair Pegasus Quik 12/04/21 Keir McCartney  
G-SRII Easy Raider 503(1) 25/09/20  Keith Myles  
G-TIDY Skyranger Nynja 912S(1) 04/10/21 John Stables  
Leeming Airbase (RAF Leeming)
ICAO: QXL / EGXE | VHF: 120.500 (Tower) / 135.530 (Approach)
G-BYUR Grob G115E Tutor T1 27/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYVG Grob G115E Tutor T1 27/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYVL Grob G115E Tutor T1 12/11/24 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYVR Grob G115E Tutor T1 27/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYWV Grob G115E Tutor T1 22/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYWZ Grob G115E Tutor T1 23/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYXC Grob G115E Tutor T1 22/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-BYXE Grob G115E Tutor T1 27/01/25 Royal Air Force - 6 FTS NUAS (11 AEF) / YUAS (9 AEF)
G-CJWL Hawker Hunter F58A   Hawker Hunter Aviation Stored, marked J-4110
XE704 Hawker Hunter T72 18/12/24 Hawker Hunter Aviation Marked XE688, uses "Javelin 92" as callsign or "Duke 01"
XX253 British Aerospace Hawk T1A 25/07/23 Royal Air Force - Red Arrows Stored - see note below
XX306 British Aerospace Hawk T1A 17/04/24 Royal Air Force - Red Arrows Preserved at nearby Exelby Services
XX317/CO British Aerospace Hawk T1A 12/06/24 Royal Air Force - 100 sqn Preserved on base
ZB131 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB132 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB133 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB134 BAE Systems Hawk 167 19/12/24 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB135 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB136 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB137 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB138 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZB139 BAE Systems Hawk 167 27/01/25 Royal Air Force / Qatar Emiri AF JHTS / 11 Squadron
ZE941 Panavia PA-200 Tornado F3 26/09/19 Royal Air Force Fin only on display, portside marked ZE168
(25 Sqdn), starboard ZE887 (11 Sqdn)
ZH552 Panavia PA-200 Tornado F3 17/04/24 Royal Air Force Gate guardian
ZZ190 Hawker Hunter F58 26/11/24 Hawker Hunter Aviation  
ZZ191 Hawker Hunter F58 25/07/23 Hawker Hunter Aviation Not yet airworthy
ZZ194 Hawker Hunter F58 23/02/24 Hawker Hunter Aviation  
  • The University Air Squadrons / Air Experience Flights share a pooled fleet, U.A.Q. call sign = NUAS / 11 AEF, U.A.X. call sign = YUAS / 9 AEF.
  • Hawk XX253 was moved from RAF Scampton during early 2023 for storage. It was at one point being prepared as Scamptons gate guard. It is one of the two aircraft that collided mid-air over Heraklion in 2010.
Farmside House
N215BT Cessna 208A Caravan I 10/08/22 Mark Johnston Racing  
N2989M Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six 28/06/24 Mark Johnston Racing  
Teesside University
G-BAMG Avions Lobet Ganagobie 23/01/22 Teesside University  
Newby Wiske
Wathstones Farm
G-BBBW Fred Series 2 03/09/15 Michael Palfreman Stored, PTF expired 19/06/08
G-BGFK Evans VP-1 Volksplane 03/09/15 Ian Cameron No CofA, stored dismantled
G-BPDM CASA 1-131E-2000 Jungmann 23/07/21  James Haslam CofA expired 22/06/96, on rebuild
G-BWSI Squarecraft Cavalier SA102-5 03/09/21 Michael Place Stored, PTF exp 19/04/08, may leave soon
G-CBRC Jodel D18 03/09/15 Peter Gripton No CofA, stored - may have left NFD 07/12/21
  • This farm strip is no longer operational all aircraft are stored here.
Newcastle International Airport
IATA: NCL | ICAO: EGNT | VHF: 119.700 (Tower) / 124.380 (Radar)
2-NGUS Diamond DA42NG Twin Star 28/09/23 Ripley Consulting Ltd (NALjets)  
C-GWJO Boeing 737-2A3 05/06/24  Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional airframe   2   3
F-GVBK Raytheon 390 Premier I 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional airframe
G-AZMF BAC 1-11-530FX 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Fuselage only - used for cabin crew training
G-BBNZ Reims Cessna F172M Skyhawk 20/04/24 Northumbria Aerospace t/a NAL Engineering
G-BBYM Handley Page HP137 Jetstream 200 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional airframe
G-BGBG Piper PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II 21/09/21 North East Flight Academy  
G-BOHR Piper PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior 08/05/24 North East Flight Academy  
G-CCXI Thorpe T-211 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Restoration of long abandoned 1964 kit
G-HALS Robinson R44 Raven II 27/04/24 Adventure 001 Ltd Northumbria Helicopters AOC
G-IRJE Diamond DA62 09/05/24 NALJets  
G-KART Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II 09/05/24 Romeo Tango Aviation
G-KION Cessna 525 CitationJet 01/05/24 Apex Global Investments Ltd (NALjets)  
G-MOFO Reims Cessna F172M Skyhawk 21/07/23 Northumbria Aerospace t/a NAL Engineering
G-POLA Eurocopter EC135 P2+ 07/05/24 NPAS Northumbria c/o "Police 28"
G-SMBA Cessna P210N Centurion 21/04/24 Northumbria Aerospace t/a NAL Engineering
G-SOVR Cessna 525 CitationJet 02/05/24 NALJets  
G-TTCK Textron 525B CitationJet CJ3+ 07/05/24 NALJets  
G-TYNE Socata TB20 Trinidad 16/03/24 Nigel Vincent Price
N37LW Piper PA-23-250 Aztec 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional airframe
N95TA Piper PA-31-310 Navajo B 11/01/23 Private
N177SA Reims Cessna F177RG Cardinal 07/05/24 Private
N999F Beech F33A Bonanza 05/03/17 N T N Fox Systems Inc Trustee
XM355 Hunting Percival P84 Jet Provost T3 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional Air Frame   2
XM419 Hunting Percival P84 Jet Provost T3A 05/06/24 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional Air Frame, marked 102/8990M   2
G-31-983 British Aerospace Jetstream 32 01/01/21 Newcastle Aviation Academy Instructional Air Frame (outside near B737)
Newton Aycliffe
The Aviator Gin Bar
Website   Press Release
2-AGCC Airbus A340-642X   The Aviator Gin Bar ex A7-AGC Qatar Airways
D-AGEP Boeing 737-75B   The Aviator Gin Bar ex Germania - parts only
EC-MFB Airbus A340-313X   The Aviator Gin Bar ex Plus Ultra Lineas Aereas - parts only
G-BLAI Monnett Sonerai 2L 15/03/25 The Aviator Gin Bar  
G-BTNC Aérospatiale AS365N2 Dauphin II 15/03/25 The Aviator Gin Bar ex Multiflight - cab only
G-CELH Boeing 737-330 06/07/20 The Aviator Gin Bar ex Jet2.com
G-CEYU Aérospatiale SA365N1 Dauphin 15/03/25 The Aviator Gin Bar ex Multiflight - boom only
UR-WRO Airbus A321-211   The Aviator Gin Bar ex Windrose Airlines - parts only
North East Land, Sea and Air Museum
Usworth, nr Sunderland
North Otterington
Private site
G-AGYH Auster J1N Alpha 25/03/14 Ian Staves No CofA On rebuild NFD 23/03/18
Old Malton
Eden Camp Museum
BAPC-230 Supermarine Spitfire replica (FSM) 01/01/17 Pole mounted marked RK838/GE - near gate
BAPC-236 Hawker Hurricane replica (FSM) 01/07/17   Marked P2793/SD-M fuselage only within camp
BAPC-235 Fiesler Fi 103 (V1) replica (FSM) 01/01/17 Within camp
BAPC-399 Hawker Hurricane replica (FSM) 01/07/17 Marked P2793/SD-M pole mounted at gate
  • 399 replaced 236 after it was ‘blown off its pole in a gale’. As the wings of 236 are not present, they ‘may’ have been fitted to 399 !! 236 is a fuselage only, on ‘Queen Mary’ trailer within the camp (covered by tarpaulin).
Over Dinsdale
Private Farm | ( /
XR718 English Electric Lightning F3 01/01/22 Anthony Harker Coded DA, on u/c minus wings and tail   2   3
Picton (nr Yarm)
Battlezone Paintball
G-BFGS Morane Saulnier MS.893E Rallye Gaillard 180GT 12/09/23 Battlezone Paintball Painted in a camo scheme
XN385 Westland WS-55-2 Whirlwind HAS.7 12/09/23 Battlezone Paintball
Pinchinthorpe (nr Guisborough)
Spite Hall Farm
G-BRIL Piper J5A Cub Cruiser 30/04/22 Dugald Bone
G-CGMG Vans RV-9 30/06/24 Dugald Bone
Newgate Foot Farm
G-ADYS Aeronca C3 08/12/21 Paul Gliddon / Elisabeth Gliddon  
G-AHBM De Havilland DH87B Hornet Moth 08/12/21 Paul Gliddon / Elisabeth Gliddon  
G-ANLS De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth 08/12/21 Paul Gliddon / Elisabeth Gliddon  
Shotton Airfield (nr Peterlee)
VHF: 129.900
G-AZOF Glos-Airtourer Super 150 28/12/24 Barry Edmondson Replaced AZOE
G-BPEM Cessna 150K 28/12/24 Blake Johnston New arrival late 2024
G-CEKD P&M Aviation Flight Design CTSW 28/12/24 CT Flying Group  
G-CGBM P&M Flight Design CTSW 06/05/24 Patrick Duffy  
G-CGDM Sonex 28/12/24 Michael Evans  
G-CGMH Jodel D150A Mascaret 28/12/24 Ryan Maven / Iain McKenzie  
G-CTSL P&M Flight Design CT-Supralight 28/12/24 Patrick Duffy  
G-KMRV Vans RV-9A 14/08/24 Patrick Duffy  
G-TLNU TL-3000 Sirius 600 28/12/24 Steven Haynes Aviation  
N208AX Cessna 208B Grand Caravan 18/09/24 Sky-High Skydiving Arrived 13/01/24
  • If driving to either Greenhills or Fishburn Airfields you will need to head west towards the junction of Front Street and Jubilee Place were you will find the impressive Shotton Colliery War Memorial . The 1939-1945 plaque lists 39 war dead including 2329894 Sgt Glider Pilot John West of the 1st Wing, Glider Pilots Regiment, who was killed at Arnhem in September 1944 . Details of the war memorial here ; http://www.newmp.org.uk/detail.php?contentId=8608
Sutton Bank Gliding Station (nr Thirsk)
VHF: 129.975
G-BFEV Piper PA-25-235 Pawnee 29/08/24 Yorkshire Gliding Club  
G-BFRY Piper PA-25-260 Pawnee D 29/08/24 Yorkshire Gliding Club CofA exp 10/07/15, stored no engine and wings
G-CIOF Eurofox 914 29/08/24 Yorkshire Gliding Club  
G-HETY Eurofox 914 29/08/24 Yorkshire Gliding Club  
G-OSUT Scheibe SF-25C Falke 29/08/24 Yorkshire Gliding Club
  • Many gliders, mostly G-registered are also based at Sutton Bank but we don't intend to list these (although some can be seen on our Local Resident Images page).
Roundabout at junction of Trenchard Ave / Thornaby Rd
BAPC-301 Supermarine Spitfire MkV (replica) 01/02/22   Marked PK651/RAO-B 608 (N Riding Sqdn) one side,
BM481/YO-T 401 (RCAF) on the other side
Stainsby Grange Farm
G-CDGV Bell 206 Jet Ranger III 05/02/22 The Initiative Centre     


Topcliffe Airbase (RAF Topcliffe)
ICAO: EGXZ | VHF: 122.700
G-YAIR Airbus H145 D-3 19/12/24 Yorkshire Air Ambulance  
ZE522/VL Grob G103A Viking TX1 01/06/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE529/VR Grob G103A Viking TX1 01/06/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE532/VU Grob G103A Viking TX1 ??/12/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE555/WC Grob G103A Viking TX1 01/06/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE564/WN Grob G103A Viking TX1 01/06/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE594/WX Grob G103A Viking TX1 01/06/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
ZE633/XX Grob G103A Viking TX1 11/24 Royal Air Force - 645 VGS  
Urlay Nook Helipad - Great North Air Ambulance
G-BTEU Aérospatiale AS365N2 Dauphin II 2019 Great North Air Ambulance Cab only, G.I. use
G-NHAA Aérospatiale AS365N2 Dauphin II 13/09/22 Great North Air Ambulance Cab only, G.I. use
G-NHAC Eurocopter AS352N2 Dauphin II 23/02/24 Great North Air Ambulance Op by Multiflight
G-NHAD Airbus AS365N3 Dauphin II 03/02/24 Great North Air Ambulance Op by Multiflight
G-NHAE Airbus AS365N3 Dauphin II 23/02/24 Great North Air Ambulance Op by Multiflight
  • Airframe rotates regularly usually between NHAD/E, and only occasionally C. One is based at Langwathby.
Wheatley Hill Airfield (Greenhills Farm) - Durham Microlights
VHF: 129.825
G-BXIG Zenair CH 701 STOL 08/03/25 (TBC) Under restoration, PTF exp. 16/11/17
G-CCWV Mainair Pegasus Quik 08/03/25 Christian Buttery For sale
G-CFCD Skyranger Swift 912S(1) 01/03/25 David and Leslie Payn  
G-CKHO Flight Design CT-Supralight 08/03/25 James Horn For sale
G-MWBT Hornet R-ZA 08/03/25 William Finley / Kelvin Warn NFD 30/10/23
G-MWXG Solar Wings Pegasus Quasar TC 08/03/25 James Horn NFD 12/02/25
G-MWYI Pegasus Quasar IITC 28/12/24 Charles Dunford Stored, pod only, PTF exp. 28/05/22
  Pegasus Sport 08/03/25   Pod only
  Pegasus XLse 08/03/25   Pod only
  • This small strip near Wheatley Hill was established in 2015 by local businessman and flex-wing pilot James Horn who lives next door to the site and who was responsible for ploughing in the initial 250 metre grass strip and taxi-way as well as building the hangar . The runway was extended to 500 metres in 2016 and the hangar, with another for fixed wing aircraft in the pipeline, has a café-cum-lounge ‘Pilots Room’ with a balcony on a mezzanine floor overlooking the strip whilst inside a lifting beam used to remove the microlight wings runs the full length of the hangar. Not content with that James also designed and built a powered flex-wing trolley which is an absolute boon for the resident owners – talk about mechanical advantage ! Originally established as East Durham Microlights Ltd but now known simply as Durham Microlights Ltd the company website can be found here; https://www.durhammicrolights.co.uk/
Wombleton Airfield (nr York)
G-BWXS Slingsby T67M-260 Firefly   Power Aerobatics Ltd  
G-CPXC Murdy CAP-10B 16/01/24 JRW Aerobatics Ltd  
G-NGSA Extra NG 15/10/23 Addy Aviation LLP  
G-NGTC Extra NG 16/02/24 Skyboard Aerobatics Ltd  
G-NIME Cessna T206H Turbo Stationair 11/12/23 Whitby Seafoods Ltd ex N191ME, also op from Saltersgate
G-PIGS Morane Saulnier Rallye 150ST 14/03/19 Boon Hill Flying Group ARC exp 03/09/19
G-SKYC Slingsby T67M Firefly 18/02/24 Keith Taylor  
G-SKYO Slingsby T67M-260 Firefly 18/02/24 Skyboard Aerobatics Ltd  
G-VBCA Cirrus SR22 09/01/24 Charles Atha & Co  
G-ZEIN Slingsby T67M-260 Firefly 13/01/24 James A Mutton Consulting Ltd  
Yearby Airfield (nr Redcar)
VHF: 135.470
G-APYB Tipsy Nipper T.66 05/04/24 Barry O Smith CofA expired 12/06/96, long term rebuild
G-AZYY Slingsby T-61A Falke 05/04/24 Tim Smith  
G-BHUO Evans VP-2 Volksplane 21/08/22 Desmond Wood CofA expired 21/12/94
G-BOPD Bede BD-4 21/08/22 Stanley Dauncey W/O 10/07/22
G-BPAA Acro Advanced 05/04/24 Barry Smith / Fiona Smith CofA expired 20/07/17
G-BRVJ Cadet III Motor Glider 05/04/24 Brian Outhwaite  
G-CBBO MW5D Sorcerer 05/04/24 Michael Cottle / Brian Outhwaite  
G-ESGA Escapade 05/04/24 Donald and Stephanie McAllister Replaced G-XALZ
G-MYKY Mainair Sports Mercury 05/04/24 Paul Kelsey De-registered 27/10/21
  Tipsy T.66 Acro Nipper III 05/04/24 Private Under construction