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Following on from Part 1... After checking out of the Novotel at Sheremetyevo, we set off in plenty of time to reach the airshow by opening time at 10am. Even though today was a trade-day, so the crowds would not be so bad, it was still better to be early rather than risk getting caught up, plus there was also the Moscow ring-road to deal with, which can be a nightmare! As it turned out, we entered the show at 10am with modest crowds, and after filling out a registration form (and given a trade day pass) we then proceeded through a security check, which (for some) involved being asked to drink a small amount of the liquids which were being taken in! I guess to ensure no one was taking in liquid explosive (or maybe vodka?)!

Prior to going through the gates though, we had just had the chance to photograph one of the stars of the day, which wasn't part of the show. Our coach had used the 'VIP' entrance at the far end of the airfield, and drove through a ramp containing a few very nice aircraft! We even stopped on the ramp at a check point, as if the gods were on our side, which helped with the photo taking (not always easy on a moving coach)! As well as a few IL-76's, an early IL-96 and the first IL-114 built, there were two IL-38SD's: a Russian Navy example (19 Red), but best of all, an Indian Navy aircraft (IN306/DAB)! These aircraft are well known to be present here, and there is quite a story behind them, so to finally be able to shoot one was fantastic! A brief history then!...

The Indian Navy got their first three IL-38 maritime patrol aircraft back in the Seventies, and are operated by INAS315 'Winged Stallions' at INS Hansa, in Dabolim, Goa (hence the 'DAB' on the fin), with two more arriving in 1983 (the five aircraft being IN301 to IN305). However, in 2002 a pair (IN302 & IN304) collided over Dabolim while performing an airshow routine, killing all 12 onboard. Russia then donated two more aircraft (free of charge)... IN306 & IN307, to replace the crashed aircraft. In 2001, an upgrade contract was signed to modify the aircraft to IL-38SD (Sea Dragon) standard, with the major obvious modification being a large ESM/ELINT 'pod' held above the cockpit by struts. A really bizarre-looking bit of kit, the Indian aircraft differ from Russian Navy IL-38SD's by having three struts, compared to the 'lattice-structure' of eight struts on the Russian aircraft.

Problems arose though when the Indian Navy became unhappy with the upgraded aircrafts performance, during tests, when it failed to spot a submarine. Contract payments were then suspended until further improvements and tests were carried out, even though the Russian side say there is nothing wrong with the aircraft, and it performs as stipulated in the original contract. However, the Indian's were still not happy and refused to take delivery, resulting in a state of limbo, with the aircraft involved being parked-up in Russia for an extended time. Subsequently, a new target-finding system dubbed 'Morskoy Zmey' is being installed which may result in all the aircraft being completed and accepted, even though today there are still two aircraft parked at Zhukovsky (the other is in a hangar somewhere)!

In the meantime of course, the Indian Navy, which operates the IL-38 alongside the Tu-142 Bear in the Maritime Patrol role, have now ordered eight Boeing P-8I Poseidon aircraft for this mission!


48119 AN-32

RA-96101 IL-96

RA-78854 IL-76

50 Red IL-76 A-50

RA-09309 AN-22

10 Red TU-160

21 Red TU-95






CCCP-77115 TU-144

RA-77114 TU-144

 Russia's showcase airshow 'MAKS' is held every two years, and this years probably couldn't be called a 'classic'. However, there was still enough to keep most people happy, with one or two very tasty aircraft present! As well as an early display by water-bomber Beriev BE-200ES RA-32768, just after we entered the show gates, a nice Antonov 32 also departed (with a dramatic take-off): '48119' of the Russian Aircraft Corporation. Shame it didn't wait for us to get down to the flightline so we could get a better shot, but I'll include my shot, just for Ian (as he missed it altogether)! Highlights of shots taken...

RF-32767 BE-200ES MChS Russia, RF-32780 Mil-8MTV-1 MChS Russia, UR-NTK An-70 Antonov Design Bureau, '88164' Yak-40, YL-KSH/1 & YL-KSS/3 L-39 'Baltic Bees' (with 'models' posing on Harleys!), RF-00509 Mil-2 ROSTO, RA-46395 An-24B Letnye Proverki I Sistemy (Navaids Check Agency), RA-41252 An-140-100 Yakutia, RF-32821 Mil-26T MChS Russia, 07 Yellow Mil-26 Russian AF, RA-09309 An-22A Russian AF (Camouflage, WOW!), 10 Red Tu-160 Russian AF ('Nikolay Kuznetsov'), 21 Red Tu-95MS Russian AF ('Samara'), 50 Red Beriev A-50 Russian AF (IL-76 AWACS), RA-91003 IL-114LL RADAR MMS Design Bureau, RA-78854 IL-76MD-90 Russian AF (Re-engined with PS-90A-76 turbofans), RA-96101 IL-96-400T Polet Flight (Freighter), RA-82041 An-124-100 Russian AF, CCCP-77115 Tu-144D Aeroflot (The most popular exhibit in the static! Was final '144 produced, which never went into service with Aeroflot. Still looking mint after being restored and re-painted just prior to MAKS 2007), '94005' Tu-334-100 Tupolev Design Bureau (Second prototype, flying), '97003' Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 Sukhoi Design Bureau (Flying), RA-06100 Mil-8T Russian AF (Flying), RF-32820 Mil-8MT MChS Russia (Bizzare display involving picking up an Audi Q7 in front of the crowd and plonking it down next to a taxiway, which then drove off to meet the Superjet after its flying display, and tow it back in off the runway! Audi was a major sponsor of the show), CSX62219/RS-50 C-27J Italian AF RSV (Flying), '61701' An-148-100B Rossiya, VQ-BCL EMB-120RT Region Avia, VP-BMN CRJ-200ER Air Volga, '55204' M-55 Geophysica Myasichchev Design Bureau (Russian U-2ski!), '85712' Tu-154M (All white with VIP interior), N390EU Premier 1A Hawker Beechcraft Corp, N60125 Beech 350 Hawker Beechcraft Corp, OK-UGM Let-410UVP-E20, RF-43885 Mil-8AMT Russian Customs, RA-22477 Mil-171 (VIP interior), and 804 Mig-29KUB Indian Navy at the end of a line-up of Russian AF helicopters & fighters.

Zhukovsky is of course famous for being a main test and research base, with many interesting and 'sensitive' aircraft present, some of which can be visible during MAKS. On the opposite side of the runway are hangars and parking areas, with even more hangars and ramps behind the static line. As well as those that operate from here, some aircraft visible have been taken out of service, or are present for maintenance or upgrade etc. These include a load of 'derelict' Tu-204's, including RA-64001 (marked as a 'Tu-234'), and the odd-ball Tu-155 CCCP-85035, a converted Tu-154 powered by hydrogen & LNG. Tu-144LL RA-77114 of the Tupolev Design Bureau is also present: the aircraft used in a join test program by Tupolev, NASA and Boeing for new SST research. Re-fitted with the same engines as the Tu-160 'Blackjack' and painted in a modern scheme, it flew 26 times between 1996 and 1999, before making the final ever Tu-144 flight on 14/4/99. It has been parked up since, so is obviously not looking too good, although there are plans to try and preserve it (as with '77115). Finally, also seen (by some) was the secretive Mig 1.44 prototype. Some people got distant shots (though I can't recall the serial) of this advanced fighter, which has been described as like a Russian version of the F-22 Raptor. Quite a large aircraft, with forward canards, it apparently uses 'Plasma' stealth technology. However, as with most other projects, I understand it has been cancelled, with the aircraft now parked up outside with a cover over the front end.

And that was the MAKS done... all in all a good enough show, though the flying display was a bit 'sparse' (but then it was a trade day), as we left and headed to Domodedovo, where we would spend our final four nights. After checking (back) in to the AirHotel, we spent the rest of the daylight-hours on the outside balcony of the top 9th Floor, which gives good views of departing traffic, off Runway 32R...



RA-88182 YAK-40

RA-11868 AN-12TBK

RA-86078 IL-86

VQ-BDI B737-700

EW-47808 AN-24RV

EY-777 B737-800

Highlights from the departing traffic tonight... RA-65577 Tu-134A-3 Izhavia, RA-87247 Yak-40 Bugulma Air Enterprise, EW-253PA B737-500 Belavia, RA-42336 Yak-42D Kuban Airlines, RA-85743 Tu-154M Moskovia (Gromov Air), SU-GBG A320 Egyptair (New colours), RA-11868 An-12BP Atran Aviatrans Cargo (Based here, operating regular mail flights), RA-85769 Tu-154M Rossiya, UR-42383 Yak-42D Donbassaero, RA-85796 Tu-154M UTAir, RA-46505 An-24RV Mordovia Air (Basic old Aeroflot, no titles), RA-42326 Yak-42D Sar Avia (Saratov Airlines), RA-87849 Yak-40K Bugulma Air Enterprise and RA-46690 An-24RV Polet Flight. A few tasty nuggets there to end another good day, and with pretty good weather.


Today we were to do both Domo' and Vnukovo, with our first of two planned airside visits at Domo. This large airport certainly has a lot of aircraft present, and far too many for me to detail! After a security check and being given an airside pass, we boarded a coach which was to take us to various points around the airfield. First stop was the main hangar area and ramps with various IL-76's, including four MChS Russia aircraft. Also present were RA-86559 IL-62M of the Russian Government (a WEF Davos visitor earlier this year), and one of the many Domodedovo Airlines IL-62's that are now derelict here, after the last major operator of the '62 ceased operations in October 2008. These large ramps are also used by Transaero for their B747's, with VP-BGU, VP-BGY & VP-BPX present at the time. From here, landing traffic vacating off Runway 32L is very close, and we managed to hang around for a short while to shoot some of this stuff... including RA-73008 B757-200 Vim Airlines, UR-DNL ERJ-145EU Dniproavia, 4K-AZ04 A319 Azerbaijan Airlines and UR-WRG ERJ-195 Wind Rose Aviation, which is ex Nas Air and has a nice picture of the Sophia Church in Kiev on the left side. As well as landers, '32L is also used by 'heavies' for departure (being slightly longer than '32R), with another of the busy Transaero B747's taking off... -400 VP-BKL, which is ex ZS-SAK.

From here we drove around, stopping at various places, and spent some time parked close to Runway 32R to get some rotation shots, which included Ural Airlines IL-86 RA-86078 and Tu-154B-2 RA-85508... both aircraft types with not much time left! Then from here it was to the large 'storage' area, to photograph the twenty-odd aircraft which are almost certain never to fly again. Most are 'dumped' on the grass with engines removed, and include Tu-154's of Gromov Air, Moskovia, Magadan Airlines & Air Union, Tu-134B-3 RA-65694 of Air Union, IL-86 RA-86117 of Armenian Airlines and two IL-18's: RA-75834 of Astair & UN-75111 ex GVG Airlines. The most numerous though are IL-62's, of Alpha Airlines, Domodedovo Airlines, Magadan Airlines and Airstars, aswell as the very interesting VIP Libyan registered aircraft... 5A-DKT has an 'intriguing' history, reportedly operated by the Libyan Government and then 'Jetline International', it has been chartered by other African leaders and involved in other 'dodgy activities' with various registrations (EL-ALM and 3C-QQR), before ending up here three years ago. Still intact with engines and parked on hard surface, who knows, there may be more to come! Infact, I have 'previous' with this aircraft... photographing and getting inside it at Ras Al Khaimah on my first ever visit to the UAE!

As we then made our way out, a very nice 'Western' aircraft to stop and shoot was Tajikistan registered EY-777 B737-800 of Somon Air. And that was it, the first Domo' ramp tour complete, mostly in overcast conditions, though the sun did pop out now and again for some nice effects!


CCCP-L85412 TU-104

VQ-BCF B757-200

RA-85457 TU-154

Vnukovo is Moscow's third airport, and still a very good place to see Russian-built types. As well as flights operating mostly domestic services, the airport is notable as being the base for Rosiya - the Russian State Transport Company (Government) fleet of transport aircraft (though very difficult to photograph), a large amount of executive & company hacks, and the VARZ400 Rework maintenance facility.

On arrival at Vnukovo, displayed next to the main highway, is ex-Aeroflot Tu-104B 'CCCP-L5412', painted with 'Vnukovo' titles (in crylic). This aircraft, which is really CCCP-42507, was put on display after the original 'monument', also painted as 'CCCP-L5412' (really CCCP-42450) was scrapped in 2004.

The plan today was to just hang around the landing end, and we parked at a pull-in by an old Police Station not far from the terminal. I say 'old' police station, as after photographing the first arrival we saw, the police then turned up and shifted us! After speaking with our Russian guide, they informed us that we could take photographs, but would have to move further away from the airport, and that there was a petrol station round the corner which was OK. So, after the ten minute walk back out of the airport (passed the Tu-104), we found the said petrol station, where we then stayed for the next few hours taking landing shots, which was fine.

As well as the busy fleet of UTAir, which is the main operator out of here, with Tu-134, Tu-154, B737-500 and ATR-72's, other aircraft photographed included... VQ-BCF B757-200 Yakutia, D-CATE Cessna 680 Jetline, LX-SVW Falcon 900DX Global Jet, 9H-AFB Learjet 60 Europe Executive Jet Services, VP-BST CL604 Norasia Schiffahrts GmbH, OY-NAD CL850 ExecuJet Scandinavia, VP-BFY A320 Vladivostok Air, RA-85778 Tu-154M Gazpromavia, EK32005 A320 Armavia, RA-86125 IL-86 Atlant-Soyuz, VP-BET B737-500 Sky Express, D-BAVA Challenger 300 (ex M-TAGB), RA-87971 Yak-40 Rossiya, RA-85457 Tu-154B-2 KMV, VP-BHA B737-500 Sky Express, RA-85837 Tu-154M Vladivostok Air, RA-42375 Yak-42D Kuban Airlines, VP-BBL B737-300 Atlant-Soyuz (New colours) and RA-26191 An-24B of TsSKB-Progress.

And that was the days business done... back to Domo for the last hour or two of daylight for something to eat and drink in the terminal. Here, on the second floor we were able to photograph through the windows, and had been given an official letter to authorize this (in case we got pulled by any cops). The letter was also supposed to authorize photography from the car park to the left of the terminal, though some people were still getting 'hassled'! Infact, photography through the windows, although giving a great view over part of the ramp, was not ideal, with a slight tint and reflections to deal with, so we didn't bother much from here. Outside was better, with the fence around the car park overlooking another part of the passenger ramp, aswell as the ramp with the Atran An-12's, and take-off shots on '32R quite close.

We had a few options for the next day, which was kind of a 'free day'... we thought about staying at Domo, and try and find a spot around the end of the main landing runway. We also considered hiring a car and going back to Vnukovo for landing shots (though when we asked about a hire car in the terminal, were told they didn't have any!), but in the end took the option of going back to MAKS...


19 Red IL-38N

IN306 IL-38SD

RA-32768 Be

The Friday at the airshow was a semi-public day, so obviously the crowds were bigger, though we got inside early enough (and again through our 'VIP entrance') to avoid getting caught up in it. Again, on entrance, the two IL-38SD's were thoroughly 'worked', and after getting into the show, we had a fairly relaxed day, after doing all the hard work, photographing everything on our first visit. Besides, today was mostly overcast, so we were glad to have shot everything in the sun a few days earlier. Plus, a few aircraft had actually left, including the An-70 and An-148.

After walking through the static, the flightline at the end had a welcome new visitor: 02 Blue An-24 Russian AF. After shooting this, as we had spare time, we then decided to see if we could get any of the aircraft parked on the ramps close to the hangars at that end, actually outside the show. This was quite successful, but a near-disaster! Effectively, we walked a short distance down this small road, being used as a VIP entrance, and spoke with the police there about just photographing the few aircraft on a ramp very near by, then coming back in the same way... which they seemed to understand and were happy with. So after shooting the half-dozen aircraft there, we then tried to walk back in... and guess what! 'Nyet'! A different cop, who didn't speak English, was trying to tell us that we had to go around and join the main public que (which by then was about 10,000 people!), while we were trying to tell him that our tickets had already had the stub removed, so we couldn't use them again anyway! In the end, another cop who spoke broken-English, walked us around to the public entrance and took us in a side gate... phew! So, the aircraft that almost led us to disaster... RA-88306 Yak-40 Jet Air Group, 3X-GDR An-12 Don Avia Cargo, RA-76352 IL-76TD Aviacon Zitotrans, and Tu-134's: RA-65783 Aeroflot, RA-65907 Alrosa-Avia, RA-65908 Rus Air and RA-65790 Jet Air Group. Well worth the hassle!

So back into the show, we headed to the crowdline for the flying display. As it was a public day, we were really hoping for a much improved flying display, compared to Wednesdays'. However, and to be blunt, it was terrible! Beriev BE-200ES RA-32768 again started the show with an impressive drop of red, white & blue fire-retardant, but from then on it was downhill! Apart from a couple of the SU-27 teams, it was dis-jointed with long gaps, only to be filled with light aircraft and homebuild's etc. No flypasts or displays by front-line Russian AF fighters and bombers etc as we had hoped for, though top respect to the Russian Knights, who displayed with their four remaining aircraft, after two had collided a few days before the show during practice, with one pilot being killed when his chute didn't open.

As we gave up and went looking for some grub, we then probably missed the best part of the flying display... the Sukhoi Superjet in formation with two SU-27's and two Mig-29's! Typical!

That was it then, one day to go, with ramp tours planned for Vnukovo and Domodedovo...


RA-86147 IL-86 VKP

Back at Vnukovo, they were landing from the opposite end to our previous visit, and as we had a minibus (aswell as the main coach), a group of 'shooters' left the 'spotters' behind and drove around the other side of the airfield to find a good spot for landing shots. Although overcast, we spent a couple of hours there and got a reasonable amount of landing traffic, before we then left to meet our mid-day appointment at the VARZ400 Rework facility.

After speaking with somebody from another tour group, who had already done the ramp tour at VARZ' we knew we were in for a real treat! But would we manage to photograph it?! Remember all the fuss about the Russian AF IL-86VKP 'Maxdome' aircraft at Chakalovskia?! Well, the missing aircraft, RA-86147 was here, having some work done, and was sat on the ramp! OMG! As the coach stopped on the ramp, people were of course getting shots of it through the windows, before we were inevitably told 'no photographs' when we got off! So, as the group spread out and walked around the ramp, photographing the other half-dozen aircraft there, the security was watching us closely to make sure no cameras were pointing towards the 'Maxdome'. Of course, they couldn't watch everybody all the time, and as there was various places in-between aircraft and vehicles etc where they couldn't see you, lets just say, I'm sure most people got ALL the shots they wanted!

In total, the VARZ ramps also contained eight Tu-154's (including Polish AF 102), with two Atlant-Soyuz IL-86's (one just outside), two Yak-42's, one IL-76 (RA-76489 Aram Air), one Tu-204C (RA-64008) and an EMB-120RT of Atlant-Soyuz (RA-02854). A fantastic visit then, with a real gem! Then back to Domo, for the final airside visit of the tour...


RA-75834 IL-18V


RA-86570 IL-62M

RA-86559 IL-62M

RA-65086 TU-134 A3

RA-85756 TU-154M

As with the previous visit, we followed a similar pattern of driving around the various ramps and stopping to get take off shots etc. Also, as it was sunny this time, we again visited the main 'storage' area and 'did it all again', before we headed to a ramp that we couldn't do on the first visit, as we didn't have a 'Follow-Me' car. This ramp was like a short-long term parking area, with some aircraft wfu, and contained a good selection, including Transaero B747-200 VP-BQA, three Domodedovo Airlines IL-96's, Air Union B737-300 EI-DNT, Russian Government IL-62 RA-86559, ex Tatartstan IL-86 RA-86142, a Kras Air B767 with no reg (or engines) along with various Tu-154's.

While out on the active ramps, highlights included the only active IL-62 to be photographed on the tour: RA-86570 of the MChS Russia, RA-85828 Tu-154M Daghestan Airlines, A6-EIJ A320 Etihad, 4K-727 Tu-154M Turan Air, RA-64011 & RA-64017 Tu-204's of ATU, RA-64509 Tu-214 Transaero, VQ-BBN & VQ-BDC B737's of Tatarstan Aircompany, RA-88188 Yak-40 Severstal, RA-42382 Yak-42D Volga Avia Express, UR-42383 Yak-42D Donbassaero and 40-AOA ERJ-195 Montenegro Airlines. While the Atran Aviast Air An-12's on their ramp included RA-11756 (wfu?) and RA-93913.

And that was the tour pretty much over... with one final night in the hotel and everybody leaving the following day, on various flights. That night, after being treated to the delights of Russian aircraft for the last week, a few of us decided to sample the other delights of Moscow, and headed into the city! This ended up walking around Red Square, which looks amazing at night, as we checked out the nightlife at several bars and clubs. After an 'interesting' night, a few of the group had gone their own way and didn't get back to the hotel until the next morning, but enough said!

So as our departure day arrived, Sunday 23rd August, Ian & Craig were again flying Austrian Airlines via Vienna to get home, whereas I was on the Emirates flight a few hours later. A couple of final aircraft noted as we waited for our flights, included a nice pair of Tupolev's to photograph, to finish the trip off: RA-65086 Tu-134A-3 Volga-Aviaexpress and RA-85756 Tu-154M Daghestan Airlines. And that was it, as I boarded Emirates flight EK134, departing at 1800 for Dubai on a B777-300ER, arriving at 2300 to be followed by EK835 to Bahrain, departing at 0230 and in at 0245 on an A330-200. And no, that's not a 15 minute flight... there is a one hour time difference! All in all a great trip, with the inevitable ups and downs that Russia especially always seems to provide! Dos Vedanya!

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