Resident Aircraft

Below is a list of current resident aircraft. Underlined registrations are linked to photos. Greyed out airframes are no longer airworthy.
D-EABY Mooney M20J-201 Barnaby Hunter 19/05/21 30/11/24 to Bornholm  
G-BCRL Piper PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior AeroSchool 04/08/24 Stand 8  
G-BMBB Reims Cessna F150L AeroSchool 22/11/22 Stand 9  
G-BNPY Cessna 152 AeroSchool 08/09/22 Stand 8  
G-BOJZ Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II AeroSchool 22/09/18 17/07/24 to Leeds East  
G-BRDO Cessna 177B Cardinal Cardinal Aviation 1989 Stand 13  
G-BZRO Piper PA-30-160 Twin Comanche C AeroSchool 03/07/24 Stand 9  
G-CBMO Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee D Crane Aviation 15/07/24 Stand 13  
G-CEGP Beech 200 Super King Air IAS Medical 04/06/21 23/03/25 to Isle of Man  
G-CISX Cessna 172M Skyhawk AeroSchool 21/09/22 Stand 8  
G-COBS Diamond DA 42 M-NG Guardian Thales Flight Inspection 21/03/16 24/03/25 to Norwich  
G-DKEY Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II AeroSchool 09/08/22 17/09/24 to Humberside  
G-DKNA Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 11/05/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N159EM
G-DKNB Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 15/06/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N264EM
G-DKNC Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 15/06/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N265EM
G-DKND Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 11/05/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N267EM
G-DKNE Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 03/11/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N269EM
G-DKNF Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 03/11/22 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N259EM
G-DKNG Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 06/02/23 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N256EM
G-DKNH Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 06/02/23 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N277EM
G-DKNI Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 25/10/23 03/04/23 to Bournemouth ex N262EM - stored
G-DKNJ Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 06/09/23 06/03/24 to Bournemouth ex N257EM - stored
G-DKNK Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 04/10/24 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N270EM
G-DKNL Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 04/10/24 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N274EM
G-DKNM Aero L-159E ALCA Draken Europe 04/10/24 Stand 11 / Hangar 360/361 ex N275EM
G-FFRA Dassault Falcon 20DC Draken Europe (1995) 07/01/25 to Montpellier  
G-FPLD Beech 200 Super King Air Thales Flight Inspection 18/03/16 Hangar 3 East  
G-FRAD Dassault Falcon 20E Draken Europe (1995) 20/03/25 to Stavanger   
G-FRAF Dassault Falcon 20E Draken Europe (1995) 07/03/25 to Stavanger  
G-FRAH Dassault Falcon 20D Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAI Dassault Falcon 20E Draken Europe (1995) 06/03/25 to Bournemouth  
G-FRAJ Dassault Falcon 20E Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAK Dassault Falcon 20D Draken Europe (1995) 07/03/25 to Bournemouth  
G-FRAL Dassault Falcon 20DC Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAP Dassault Falcon 20D Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAR Dassault Falcon 20D Draken Europe (1995) 13/09/24 to Bournemouth  
G-FRAS Dassault Falcon 20C Draken Europe (1995) 19/03/25 to Bournemouth  
G-FRAT Dassault Falcon 20C Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAU Dassault Falcon 20C Draken Europe (1995) Stand 10 / Hangar 360  
G-FRAW Dassault Falcon 20ECM Draken Europe (1995) 30/09/24 to Montpellier Cockpit
G-FRSB Dassault Falcon 20F-5 Draken Europe N/A Bournemouth Not yet visited
G-IASA Raytheon 200 Super King Air IAS Medical 2013 26/02/25 to Isle of Man  
G-IASB Textron 250 Super King Air IAS Medical 25/08/17 Stand 6  
G-IASC Beech 200 Super King Air IAS Medical 24/04/21 21/02/25 to Dublin  
G-ICDP Reims Cessna F150L AeroSchool 08/07/23 Stand 8  
G-LFSJ Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II AeroSchool 22/02/19 Stand 8  
G-OCPC Reims Cessna FA152 Aerobat AeroSchool 21/04/23 27/11/24 to Netherthorpe  
G-PLAN Reims Cessna F150L AeroSchool 06/10/22 29/09/24 to Netherthorpe  
G-RVND Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk Dean Bayley 22/02/25 Stand 9  
G-SYLL Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain Lane Airways 02/04/24 Stand 13  
G-TSDA Aquila AT01-100A (A211) AeroSchool 19/07/23 Stand 7  
G-TSDB Aquila AT01-100A (A211) AeroSchool 25/07/23 Stand 7  
G-TSDC Aquila AT01-100A (A211) AeroSchool 20/07/23 Stand 7  
G-TSDE Aquila AT01-100A (A211) AeroSchool 05/07/23 20/03/25 to Netherthorpe Cockpit
G-VALK Beech 200 Super King Air IAS Medical 27/01/25 Stand 6  
N5757 Piper PA-46-350P Malibu Mirage Justin Carter 22/11/22 Hangar 3 East apron JetPROP DLX turbine conversion
OE-IAG Airbus A320-233 Willis Aviation Services 13/11/24 Stand 1 Stored, ex 2-WLFC, to become EC-OLF
Wrecks and Relics
2-UALU ATR 72-500 Willis Aviation Services 11/12/23 Runway 01 ex Air Serbia YU-ALU, shell only
C-FNWT British Aerospace Avro RJ100 Willis Aviation Services 14/04/23 Fuel Farm road ex Braathens SE-DSV, fuselage only
EC-ELT British Aerospace 146-200QT Willis Aviation Services 05/05/23 Fuel Farm road ex TNT Airways, rear fuselage only
G-AWZS Hawker Siddeley HS.121 Trident 3B Serco - IFTC 1981 Burning ground ex British Airways - intact/unburnt
G-AZLS Vickers Viscount 813 Serco - IFTC 1981 Burning ground ex British Midland - fuse. only (evac trainer)
G-CLUE Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II Pamela Wilkinson 10/09/11 Fuel Farm road ex Teesside Flight Training, poor state
G-EZAW Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 17/10/23 Runway 01 ex easyJet, for part-out
G-EZAY Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 23/09/23 Runway 01 ex easyJet, for part-out
G-EZBA Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 02/12/23 Runway 28 ex easyJet, for part-out
G-EZBB Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 02/11/23 Runway 28 ex easyJet, for part out
G-ISLH ATR 42-320 Willis Aviation Services 08/05/22 Runway 01 ex Blue Islands, tail and wings only
G-OMAS Cessna A150M Aerobat AeroSchool 09/02/23 Behind fire station Wreck - w/o 24/01/25
LY-BOA Airbus A320-214 Willis Aviation Services 13/10/23 Runway 01 ex ITA Airways EI-IKB, for part-out
LY-CYM Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 14/11/23 Runway 28 ex easyJet G-EZBE, for part-out
N5039Q ATR 42-320 Teesside International Airport 07/12/13 Rwy19 threshold ex UTair Ukraine UR-UTA, fuselage only
OE-LKI Airbus A319-111 Willis Aviation Services 02/12/23 Runway 01 ex easyJet Europe, for part-out
VP-CSB Airbus A320-214 Willis Aviation Services 06/01/25 Runway 01 ex Air Cairo SU-BPV, for part-out
XP330 Westland Whirlwind HAR10 Serco - IFTC 1981 Burning ground ex RAF, cab only, very poor state
XZ360/FL SEPECAT Jaguar GR3A Serco - IFTC 28/08/19 Burning ground ex RAF, intact/unburnt - see note
XZ652 Westland Lynx AH7 Serco - IFTC 07/10/14 Burning ground ex AAC, intact/unburnt (oil rig trainer)
  • 22/11/2024: We've simplified the Residents page, mainly in relation to the Operators, who are not necessarily the Owners of the aircraft, who tend to be shell corporations, legal names that differ from trading names or in the case of Willis - leasing companies etc.
  • IFTC stands for International Fire Training Centre. Their Jaguar XZ360 is coded "FN" on the nosewheel door, the tail displaying the code "FL" is believed to be from XX720 (c/n S.17). Click here to view our page from when it arrived.
  • The L-159 single-seat fast jet to be operated by Draken is informally known as the "Honey Badger". ALCA stands for Advanced Light Combat Aircraft. The full Draken FA20 fleet is listed above, aircraft rotate between here and Bournemouth.
  • AT43 N5039Q is owned by the airport and used as a training aid.